Missing Middle Housing
Knoxville, Tennessee Professor Tricia Stuth Fall 2023
This project is located in the Lonsdale neighborhood and is intended to be missing middle housing for teachers teaching in their own neighborhood. The overall goal is to provide housing in the neighborhood in which they work while creating a space beneficial for teachers that can also engage the community.
The lot chosen in Lonsdale is on the corner of Gloria Garner St and Connecticut Ave. One of the main aspects of thinking about the lot is understanding the current codes and proposed new codes that Knoxville has in place. The new codes allow for multiple missing middle housing opportunities.
The project's design consists of two duplexes creating a public and private program fit for a teacher's needs. This includes a tutoring area, creating a courtyard that engages community members and students. This is only possible because of the use of corner lots and thinking about them as two addresses. If we engage corner lots as two addresses we can create a new streetscape that can interact with the community. Also by creating a small site with a design that engages our essential workers can be a social and economic reality all over.